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I really am doing better.

Really. I swear. I look better than last year, and I generally feel better. I'm on a decent routine of exercise (but it needs more ab work), and I'm occasionally getting the lower-body/cardio work I need. I've changed my morning routine to include breakfast, daily, even if it's a can of high-protein Boost and a breakfast bar. Dinners are my downfall, still, when I slip into overeating mode. Do I really need a 27-ounce prime rib? No, but my stomach is that big. When I eat enormous amounts, it's not just because I want to eat, it's because nothing fills me up.

Except Slim Fast. I swear, it's some sort of stomach-shrinking miracle elixir to me. Wanna stop eating? Drink a Slim Fast. Scary how quickly I go from ravenous to no-no-i-can't-eat-another-bite.