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Ouch. Chest and arms. New

Ouch. Chest and arms. New exercises kept my muscles burning, but I felt so good afterward, I didn't really care. The gym's getting crowded so we end up switching to new exercises simply because we cant get to other equipment. Like I said, I don't mind. Muscles are getting worked diferently, and I know that's going to help me in the long run.

I had a late lunch yesterday consisting of about a dozen french-fries and a grilled chicken sandwich. And then I got hungry again, and had the cajun chicken pasta special at Mac's last night. It came with salad and bread, too. Talk about value. Honestly, I ate about half the meal, and most of the salad, so I didnt feel too bad. Then finished up with "espresso martinis" at Basso. Never heard of em before, but they go down really really smooth. I had six! Wow.

Starving again now.