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August 31, 2001

Ok, I figured out what

Ok, I figured out what it was... he upped my damn weights again and didnt tell me. Same thing yesterday, but then I hurt my shoulder handing him a dumbell (I moved wrong). Figures. Saturday I'm doing a make-up workout for next week, and I'm hoping one of the apartment complexes I'll be at in SF has a weight room too... just to keep moving along. At the very last I can still do crunches and push-ups, and I wont need to touch the treadmill.

I started hitting the treadmill before my workouts this week. Feels good. Not getting tired as fast. That rocks. Eventually, when I have my evenings back again, I'd like to start biking thru the neighborhood.

So, I'm not as weak as I've thought. Bastard just keeps upping my weights. nala says "I dont understand how he keeps upping your weights. You only go in for a half hour twice a week!" Well, trust me, he does, and I feel it, and you can see my body changing shape. Aside from my belly. Which I'm working on.

No more pizza and beer. (Sheeah, right).

August 28, 2001

More of the same, with

More of the same, with shoulders this time. Don't know what I did wrong today but I had a total lack of energy. TOTAL.

He says 5 small meals per day. Small ones. No sodas. No fries.

What the... Jeeezie Krizzie. Well then I guess I just ate a whole lotta crap today. Starting with McD's hash browns, a sausage biscuit and a HUGE orange juice. Water all day. A chicken and bean quesadilla at El Vaquero. A Powerbar at 3ish. At 4:45 2 hotdogs, some macaroni salad, and some hot mac and cheese from Big Bear. Orange soda.

Yes, I'm a moron. Eat less. More often. Pacing.

More cardio.Which, for now will mean more treadmill, until I get ahold of Danny to go biking. (If I say that enough, it might actually happen.) I should just go alone.

August 24, 2001

Ouch. Chest and arms. New

Ouch. Chest and arms. New exercises kept my muscles burning, but I felt so good afterward, I didn't really care. The gym's getting crowded so we end up switching to new exercises simply because we cant get to other equipment. Like I said, I don't mind. Muscles are getting worked diferently, and I know that's going to help me in the long run.

I had a late lunch yesterday consisting of about a dozen french-fries and a grilled chicken sandwich. And then I got hungry again, and had the cajun chicken pasta special at Mac's last night. It came with salad and bread, too. Talk about value. Honestly, I ate about half the meal, and most of the salad, so I didnt feel too bad. Then finished up with "espresso martinis" at Basso. Never heard of em before, but they go down really really smooth. I had six! Wow.

Starving again now.

August 23, 2001

Wow! For the very first

Wow! For the very first time, I finished every rep of every set, and only had trouble on the pull-ups. Sure, I grunted and groaned on a couple of the other ones, but I didn't need the assistance of the trainer.

My diet has been slowly evolving, still. Today, already, I've been bad. Lunch is gonna have to be light, and maybe (just maybe) I'll get a good salad for dinner.

Ugh. I know there's a payment due any time now. *PINCH* that's the feeling of exercising my wallet.

August 21, 2001

And, today's workout was rescheduled.

And, today's workout was rescheduled. My trainer got bitten on the hand and wrist by a neighbor's dog last week. By last Thursday, he was swollen and infected and on drugs. He looked horrible. I was kind of afraid he'd be taking off some more time. I really hope he's back tomorrow, since I really don't want to work with the other trainer.

I've been watching my calories again... probably not a good idea. Now I'm going to get paranoid about my meal sizes.

I had 2.5 meals today. That means I can have another, right? Heheh. Or maybe some delicious ice cream.

Sundae, anyone?

August 16, 2001

Forgot: Best (only) complement at

Forgot: Best (only) complement at the gym, was a comment made to my trainer by one of the other guys: "Hey [trainer], his legs are bigger than yours!"

Why, yes. They are. Nature can be screwed up that way. I've never ever had to work my legs much. My trainer works his legs all the time and never gets any bigger. So, he's massive above the waist with spindly little legs. Not that my legs are by any means massive, but I'm content.

Fucking fukkity fuck. I just

Fucking fukkity fuck. I just wiped out a huge entry accidentally.

Synopsis: It's odd when you find out coworkers read your fit-journals. Then they're watching what you eat. And debating if the photo is really you.

No, it's not me. Preston made the point that I'm "too skinny" to be that guy. I think he's mistaking definition for bulk in the photo, because actually that guy is thinner than me. But, that photo's what I'm aiming for. That's the end goal. No, if you saw the face attached to that photo, you'd say "there aint no way you'll ever look like that!" But hey, I'll settle for looking like him from the neck down.

Thanks for making lunchtime conversation fun, guys. Note I balanced cake with grapes and apple juice? Sucrose AND fructose. Lovely.

August 14, 2001

Wow. Ok. I found a

Wow. Ok. I found a tool today to calculate calories, fat, etc from the foods you've eaten. Today, fuhgeddaboudit. Now I know what not to eat. Must start cooking at home.

So anyway - I'm doing ok on my supplements. More energy, general "well" feeling.

I'm doing my ab exercises. It's no longer an "eh, I'll do em when I feel like it" but an "I gotta do these or I'm never gonna get rid of this GUT! YUCKO!"

Today was shoulders and biceps. Shoulders got a good workout. He added 3 new exercises. I feel like I just pitched a baseball game. Ouch. Glad I didnt have to move furniture tonight!

August 10, 2001

Today is off to a

Today is off to a good start. Mac's Fish and Chips dinner last night put me completely over my fat for the next WEEK, and I forgot my vitamins, and I was running late and missed breakfast.


So, tonight, we're going to Cheesecake Factory... salads anyone?

August 9, 2001

Started my vitamins yesterday, but

Started my vitamins yesterday, but did not do abs. They still hurt from Tuesday.

My trainer called to reschedule, so I ended up doing chest and shoulders last night. You should've seen me panicking trying to get in at least 2 meals before then. I did, kinda, but neither was good.

I still managed to push out a full workout. New exercises and all. Maybe, next 6 weeks, I'll up my time each period to 45 minutes. I'll be Hulk-sized by Christmas.

"Mom, will you buy me some WeightGain 4000?"

"Beefcake! BeefCAAAKE!"

August 8, 2001

New exercises. The one lifting

New exercises. The one lifting one is bad. Not bad-as-in-difficult, which it is, but bad-as-in-hard-to-do-correctly-without-hurting-parts-that shouldn't-be-hurting.

Bought vitamins yesterday. Forgot to take them this morning. I'll get em this afternoon when I do my abs again.

I ate pretty decently yesterday, too. 2 scrambled eggs, biscuits, home fries, a big glass of oj, and 2 cups of coffee with cream. Then, a nice big plate full of different organic salads from Wild Oats, a couple of Power Bars in mid-afternoon, and a couple of turkey sandwiches for a late dinner. I know, no eating before bed. Too bad. I was hungry.

Been drinking more water, too. Nice that Wild Oats carries those Glaceau fruitWaters that I'd only seen in Boston.

Today, I got a late start. Evil. Pepsi, Little Debbie Star Crunch, and Lance brand Cream Cheese & Chives Captain's Wafers. (I know, Jonno, I know... not exactly healthy...)

Maybe I'll hit Wild Oats again for lunch.

August 6, 2001

Well, I forgot to post

Well, I forgot to post Thursday night, but only because I was busy getting ready for my trip to NYC.

I did eat the 3 assigned meals, and a snack, that day. And my workout, while made easier by my energy levels, was still difficult enough to make me hurt on Friday.

The weekend was hopeless for eating healthy. More on that soon, I think. Friday: McDonalds, Arbys, and pizza in the city. Saturday: McDonalds, Chinese in the city, then a salad at Markt later. Followed by large amounts of alcohol.

Sunday, Wendy's, then TCBY, and snacks in the car. Oops. No dinner.

Time to start a meal-log too.

Thanks for all the advice I'm being given, which reinforces everything I know about eating right. Just gotta cut back on the crappy foods.

August 1, 2001

I ate too late in

I ate too late in the day to make it worthwhile before my workout, and now my trainer has given me a new project:

Eat three meals a day on workout days. Find a menu for a week. Healthy.

Yeah, right. I'm sorry. I like my burgers and fries.

Other than that, another boring workout. After this weekend, I felt so pudgy and ugly. There's this guy, Doug, that my friend Scott hangs out with, who is like 5'6", 150# pure muscle. And he looks 22ish. But he's 35ish. Chiseled beyond belief. My god. Before I went to sleep, I looked in the mirror at myself, and I just looked HORRIBLE. What small amounts of definition I'd been showing got wiped away in my mind, and I still looked puffy and round.

It's taken days for me to get over that, and I'm still not completely done obsessing.

How is that possible? Good genes, I suppose. Something that I do not have.