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Bastard knew I cheated. Made

Bastard knew I cheated. Made me do crunches. Lots of them, compared to the zero I've been doing. I hurt like hell. My stomach is tight though. Tight but painful. Bastard.

Did more tricep work, and chest, and shoulders. Normal stuff. Stuff I know how to do, and am getting comfortable with. Except for the fact he keeps upping my weights. Just when I get comfortable, he tells me something like "4 sets, 6 reps, 10 lbs more than last time."

F*ck you! That's hard! Damn! I realize you're a farmboy like me, but I haven't actually WORKED a farm for 10 years. Well, less than that, but still.

If I hadn't paid good money for this, scheduled time for this, and had someone there to push me... I wouldn't be there. Definitely.

Maybe he looked me up. Maybe he reads this. Hi Scott, you bastard. My abs are killing me today. See you tomorrow.

End of week 3.