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A day of rest it

A day of rest it was not.

After killing my brain cells Friday, I spent all day Saturday in recovery mode... rehydrating and resting, fighting the worst hangover since mixing beer, wine and shots last summer at Millennium.

Today however, I got a mini-workout since Jay and I painted the "guest room" walls.

Simple, but time consuming. I did notice less exhaustion compared to the last time, and my arms are not the least bit sore.

Still need to do my ab workout.

I found a partner for biking... nala's old roommate Danny bikes every weekend. I'm looking forward to it. I'll bet he might even rollerblade. I still need to buy both a bike and rollerblades, but hey, at least I know I can find someone to bike with, to keep me motivated.

Motivation is the key. Well, determination doesn't hurt.